Catch Return Section

With the number of Eel's in decline it's important that records are kept of Eel captures. As a member of the National Anguilla Club we ask that once a year members submit a catch return form to the NAC records officer of their catch of Eel's for the season.
The catch return season runs from 1st October to the 31st September. And we kindly ask that all members submit a catch return form by the 15th October.
This can be done in a few different ways..... Click "download PDF" below, Put your details in and either post to the NAC Records Officer (address on the form) or email the completed form to recordsofficer@nationalanguillaclub.co.uk
Or use our new online digital catch return form. Click the Digital Form Icon, Select answers from the drop down menus and click submit...!
Please take the time to submit a catch return, the information is really important and appreciated.

Any questions regarding information on this page or if any missing links are found please contact webmaster@nationalanguillaclub.co.uk